Des Picard
A very simple basic game with satisfying sounds and chain reactions. However, this game RESPECTS you. There are ads, after each level, but you can turn em off for an hour with a single 30 sec ad run. So turn on the app, watch an ad while you poop and no ads for your hour long session. But even then, its only ads when you beat the level. If you die, no interrupting ads. Also the ad close boxes as very clear and trustworthy. Game: 6/10 Ad experience: Only ad-free is better
242 people found this review helpful

A Google user
This app is actually pretty good. There are a lot of levels that have very aligned placement and not only that, you can restart the levels unlike most "brick breaking/smashing" games. The only thing I would change is the ball sound when it touches the stone platform, or at least make it changable. Overall, great decent and relaxing app. Not the best, but still time consuming. I'll give it 4 stars. B+
318 people found this review helpful

sage w.
its a pretty fun and satisfying time consumer, but i wish there were more levels since u actually get through the levels pretty quickly. i suggest turning the sound off since i noticed that the framerate dropped significantly when i kept it on and it took forever for the level to finish. also idk if this is some weird glitch but there were times where i managed to get past level 108 and got to level 110...
35 people found this review helpful