I saw the ad and instantly assumed it was like the rest of the games that came out from this company. It's better than the others but it still has flaws that is having me uninstall it. 1) the angle and movement of the game is glitchy even on newer phones. 2) when the game has lag, it ruins the game completely. You will be in one spot then be running over the wrong color the next. 3) it's not fun running through the floor of an elevated area and only getting the coins. The glitches aren't fixed.
3,552 people found this review helpful

Tila Sole
It's fun. A bit too easy in the beginning, but a positive experience. Ads are a bit much though. It started out with an ad after three levels or so which was good. Now it seems like almost after every level. Some are quick, some allow for fast forwarding and some you are just going to have to sit through. Game vibrates, even though I have my phone set up not to. That is a bit aggravating. A cool feature for sure, if I wanted it to only though. Will change review on fixes and or more play time.
4,081 people found this review helpful

Robyn Landauer
Its okaaaay... but there are way too many problems. 1. There are a LOT of adds. Theres an add about every time you complete a level, and its like the game is trying to trick you into clicking adds all the time. Its I'm only playing the game 30% of the time 2. The camera angle makes it really hard to understand where you should go, and every time the color changes the camera jerks up. Plus, the drag controls suck. 3. the adds are unfair and sometimes infinitely loop themselves. You cant exit them
3,196 people found this review helpful