Fun Race 3D Online
Fun Race 3D Online is actually an arcade 3D game. You will have a parkour running race with 2 AI opponents in 10 levels. You will not be weeded out until you complete the level as the third one. It is suggested that you should always focus on the proper opportunities to pass every obstacle as long as you want to win! Enjoy it!
Game Rating
82% of 9301 players like it. The game was played 93,699 times since August-8th-2019
Can I play Fun Race 3D Online game online on desktops, mobile phones and tablets?
Yes, of course. Fun Race 3D Online can be played on your computers and mobile devices like android phones, iphones and tablets.
Can I Play The Game For Free?
Yes, you can play all games online for free on TopGames Just open the page in a Web browser (desktop, mobile or pad) and enjoy yourself.
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