Idle Arks Build At Sea

Idle Arks Build At Sea (rating 89%/6129)
Idle Arks Build At Sea
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Idle Arks Build At Sea

You and others want to go to the other side of the ocean in a boat. Suddenly, a strong wind blows, your boat capsizes, and you flow to different islands. Now you are alone in the sea, accompanied by only a few pieces of wood under your feet. You need to collect wood from the sea, build a navigable boat, and at the same time rescue your friends trapped on the island. As the number of companions increases, you need bigger ships, don't worry, there are many animals can help. Collect is the key of this game Idle Arks Build At Sea, enjoy the world and go back home!

Game Rating

89% of 6129 players like it. The game was played 92,929 times since July-19th-2021

Can I play Idle Arks Build At Sea game online on desktops, mobile phones and tablets?

Yes, of course. Idle Arks Build At Sea can be played on your computers and mobile devices like android phones, iphones and tablets.

Can I Play The Game For Free?

Yes, you can play all games online for free on TopGames Just open the page in a Web browser (desktop, mobile or pad) and enjoy yourself.
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